Post op check up 7 weeks (ish)

September 8, 2009

My mum, dad and I hobbled (well just me hobbling mum and dad have fully working legs!) down to London on Friday for a post op check up with Marcus Bankes.  As expected I had X-Rays (see below) then I met the man himself….and the verdict is;  My bones are healing really well, I’m ready to begin bearing weight and I am to aim to lose the crutches within the next four weeks. I’m only allowed to drive once I’m off the crutches, oh and I’ll need a cane for a while after I’m fully weight-bearing.  I can now go swimming – YAY! but not biking yet – even in the gym, darn it! I can once I’m fully weight bearing though so that’s something to look forward to.   As for the difference in leg length that is a little bigger than expected, so it looks like I may need an insole in my left shoe to even me out, now can you get insoles for peep toe heels?!

As for when leftie will be done, that’s a whole different story to what I expected. I’ve now been told that until I get pains in it (I guess to a similar extent to my right hip was pre-op) I won’t be considered for a second surgery. Now I was always under the impression that both were definitely going to be done, and probably within a year of each other (I was hoping sooner but that was pure impatience).  Obviously it’s a good thing that surgery won’t be done unless needed, only in my head I was having the next one done pronto then cracking on with normal life.  It’s just a matter of changing my mindset, crack on with normal life then leftie will happen somewhere along the way, more than likely at the most inconvenient time!

Pre op hips

Pre op wonkiness


5 Days post op

Nice screws!


Check out how my bones have healed - YAY for bones!

Check out how my bones have healed - YAY for bones!


Physio is lined up for later this week, and my next hospital appointment is set for 6 weeks, by which time I’ll be walking!!

Here we go…..

July 12, 2009

Well the day is almost upon me, tomorrow morning is Op time.  So far no coughs or colds to impeed my surgery and overall I’m feeling a lot more prepared than last time.  Positive thinking is the way forward – and if that fails prescription drugs will do!

Rather than scary needles and painful hobbling I’m going to attempt to focus on the fact that this is the first step to me being able to do a triathlon, this time next year I’ll be bionic and fit and healthy, so there!!

Next post might not be so chirpy – but in my defence that’ll be the drugs talking!

Feel the burn..

February 24, 2009

..and I did……… momentarily.

I can’t wait for the day where my muscles give out before my broken joints, the day when I have a good work out and have to stop because of sore hard working muscles rather than a sore silly hip. I don’t even mind waking up the next day walking funny as long as it’s because my muscles have worked hard, not ‘dodgy hip’ induced hobbles. Today was nearly that day – biking to Uni again gave my sore hip some aggravation, but I also felt the burn in my quads HURRAH! It was only for about 2 mins whilst tackling an upward climb, but it was there. Unfortunately the burn is now fully back to my right hip in particular, oh and my left calf which I can only assume bears the brunt of my hobbling action. Hey ho,  give it a month or so and I’ll be having muscle pains from learning to walk again – not sure I’ll be overly jubulant about it at the time though!